Break the Cycle. Make Disciples.

The average tenure of those in Youth Ministry is

18 months.

We exist to change that.

Our Mission:

YMe exists to offer personalized training, mentorship, and Christ-centered discipleship for youth ministers who are just starting their calling in ministry, or for those already in ministry who would benefit from additional training, discipleship, and support. YMe also exists to provide resources and training for volunteers and youth leadership teams, ensuring they are equipped to serve and effectively disciple students.

Research shows that when youth ministers and ministry teams receive mentorship and on-the-job training, their ministry on average experiences an incredible 131% increase in both numerical growth and spiritual depth. Even more exciting—80% of those who receive ongoing mentorship stay in their church for over five years, a 233% increase compared to those without additional training and support.

  • Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

    Matthew 9: 37-38